Hydroinvest Ltd is a company based on the foundation of science and its applications in the economic life.

The employees of Hydroinvest boast the expertise and experience in the field of multidisciplinary advisory, designing, and detailed designing services within a wide range of construction engineering with a particular focus on water engineering, water management, environment protection and industrial construction sectors.

We lay particular emphasis on respect for surrounding wildlife and natural environment in the course of all our work.

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Signing of a contract with ERCE PAN for the implementation of "Concept of the Starzycki Pond in Tomaszów Mazowiecki"

Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the implementation of the task "Implementation of the concept of the reconstruction of the Staw Starzycki water reservoir using nature-based solutions, including sedimentation and biofiltration systems (ecohydrological biotechnologies)".


Signing of a contract with KGHM "Implementation of the storage yard concept in the area of ​​the Polkowice shafts"

Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. signed an agreement with KGHM Polska Miedź for the execution of the task "Development of the storage yard concept in the area of ​​plot no. 194 35, shaft SW-1" in Polkowice.


New composition of the Board of the Polish Chamber of Commerce "Ekorozwój"

On May 23, 2024, the annual General Meeting of members of the "Ekorozwój" Chamber of Commerce was held.


Signed contract for the implementation of the project "EW Dychów - protective barriers for fish - project"

Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. won the tender and signed a contract for the implementation of the project "EW Dychów - protective barriers for fish - project".



Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. signed a contract with MAYLAND REAL ESTATE for the performance of construction works consisting in the construction of a canal in accordance with the construction project "Expansion of the Czerniakowski Canal as part of the task called "Reconstruction of the Czerniakowski Canal in Warsaw for the needs of the LIBRETTO PARK investment - stage A"".


Signing a contract for the preparation of documentation - reconstruction of bay No. 4 - Warsaw River Pump Station

Signing a contract for the development of design and cost estimate documentation for the reconstruction of bay No. 4 located at the River Pump Station at ul. Czerniakowska 124, Śródmieście District.


Agreement with PGE GiEK S.A. for "Injection under the reinforced concrete screen of the Orzepowice earth embankment.."

Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. signed an agreement with PGE GiEK S.A. for "Injection under the reinforced concrete screen of the Orzepowice earth embankment, installation of a penstock in the perimeter ditch and installation of an installation for thermal monitoring of the embankment condition at PGE GiEK S.A. Rybnik Power Plant Branch".


Preparation of an application to determine the conditions for connecting ESP Rożnów II to the transmission network.

Conclusion of an agreement for the task "Preparation of an application to determine the conditions for connecting ESP Rożnów II to the transmission network".


Won tender for design and cost documentation, MPWiK River Pump Station in Warsaw

Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. won the tender for "Development of design and cost documentation for the reconstruction of Bay No. 4 located at the River Pump Station at ul. Czerniakowskie 124 in Warsaw".


Signing of a contract for the project "Expansion of the Polowice landfill for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Legnica".

Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. signed an agreement with KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. for the preparation of the project documentation "Expansion of the Polowice Waste Landfill" for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Branch of the "Legnica" Copper Smelter.


Winning tender for the project "Expansion of the Polowice Waste Landfill"

Winning tender for the project "Expansion of the Polowice Waste Landfill"


Signing an agreement with Tauron Ekoserwis for a periodic 5-year inspection of the technical condition of 5 Hydropower Plants

Signing an agreement with Tauron Ekoserwis Sp. z o. o. for periodic periodic inspection of 5 Hydropower Plants


We won the tender for the project of the Small Hydropower Plant in Różnów

Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. won a tender for the construction of a Small Hydropower Plant in Rożnów.


Signing an agreement with PGE GiEK S.A.

Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. signed a contract with PGE GiEK S.A. for the implementation of the project, the task "Restoration of the tightness of the Orzepowice earth embankment at PGE GiEK S.A. Branch Elektrownia Rybnik".


Winning tender for Feasibility Study of Rożnów II Peak-Pump Power Plant

Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. has won a tender for the Feasibility Study of the Rożnów II Peak-Pump Power Plant.


Winning tender for the design of repair closures of the Łączany I Small Hydroelectric Power Plant

Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. has won a tender for the design of the repair closures of the Łączany I Small Hydroelectric Power Plant.


The winning tender for the project "EW Ławica - modernization of the weir, unblocking the fish pass - project".

The winning tender for the project "EW Ławica - modernization of the weir, unblocking the fish pass - project".


Signing a contract for the preparation of repair documentation of the Augustowski Canal locks - Przewięź and Kudrynki

Signing a contract for the preparation of repair documentation of the Augustowski Canal locks - Przewięź and Kudrynki


Signing a contract for the development of the development design for the Miasteczko Winna Góra - Środa Śląska estate

Signing a contract for the development of the development design for the Miasteczko Winna Góra - Środa Śląska estate


Hydroinvest spółka z o. o.

Pawła Włodkowica 2C Street

03-262 Warsaw

Phone:   +48 22 354 68 81
Fax:   +48 22 354 68 80

Mail: biuro@hydro-invest.pl

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