Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. signed an agreement with KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. for the preparation of the project documentation "Expansion of the Polowice Waste Landfill" for KGHM Polska (...)
Winning tender for the project "Expansion of the Polowice Waste Landfill"
Signing an agreement with Tauron Ekoserwis Sp. z o. o. for periodic periodic inspection of 5 Hydropower Plants
Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. won a tender for the construction of a Small Hydropower Plant in Rożnów.
Hydroinvest Sp. z o. o. signed a contract with PGE GiEK S.A. for the implementation of the project, the task "Restoration of the tightness of the Orzepowice earth embankment at PGE GiEK (...)
Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. has won a tender for the Feasibility Study of the Rożnów II Peak-Pump Power Plant.
Hydroinvest Sp. z o.o. has won a tender for the design of the repair closures of the Łączany I Small Hydroelectric Power Plant.
The winning tender for the project "EW Ławica - modernization of the weir, unblocking the fish pass - project".
Signing a contract for the preparation of repair documentation of the Augustowski Canal locks - Przewięź and Kudrynki
Signing a contract for the development of the development design for the Miasteczko Winna Góra - Środa Śląska estate